Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Here and Now

As I’m sitting here this evening, I’m watching the most beautiful fiery red African sunset, drinking a cup of coffee, feeling the evening breeze, writing my resume and listening to James Morrison. This moment in my life could hardly be better.

I’m learning a lot about living in the here and now. As I have been here, I have been reminded time and time again to live in the present. Not that planning for the future isn’t important, but it’s not everything. So often I find myself living for the next event in my life – to graduate school, to find a job, to get married. While I look forward to those things with great anticipation, I have realized that I do not want to be one of those people who are always waiting. I want to be like the Zambians I see every day – living for THAT day because they see each day of life as a gift, no knowing if they will have a tomorrow.

My gift today was playing with children – go figure! I spent the morning at Choma Hospice. There were only 3 patients so after awhile we ventured to the backyard and spent time with 15 children from the community. It is a Day Care Center where children come before and after school for tea, games, and reading. And some of them even come for their schooling. There are 120 children registered and 96 of them are HIV +. They are a joy to be around and speak wonderful English, which is always helpful to us! Today we got to read books, drink tea, teach each other songs, and play Red Rover and Hide-and-Seek. It was one of those days where you realize afterwards how great it was and that it truly was a gift and exactly what you needed that day. Hopefully for those children it was what they needed to.

Nelly, Esther and Fred :)


  1. i love, love, love that picture.

    and this post. thanks for the reminder...

  2. Beautiful picture Heather!

    Keep livin' the dream! :)


  3. awesome picture Heather! Heidi & Bob Veenema

  4. I love you pictures and the joy in your heart.

