Monday, November 2, 2009

Bananas and disciples

Friday we spent the day at the Chabbobboma banana plantation. This is a village about 2 hours away from Choma. I had never been to a banana plantation and I don’t really know what I was expecting, but it was an awesome experience! They grow the bananas for 9 months a year and harvest them for 2 months. And there are something like 1100 banana trees and 12,000 bananas! It was in a beautiful area and the wonderful caregiver ladies prepared nshima and the chickens we brought them for lunch! We also got to go to the harbor which was our first glimpse of water since we have been here. Lake Cariba – one of the biggest man-made lakes in the world and home of many hippos and crocodiles!

Rachel, Janna and I with the banana trees

Since our first Sunday at our church, me and the girls that go to Choma Central had been wanting to get involved and help out. Now we had in mind something that was close to ushering or children’s ministry – something like that. Well, what our pastor had in mind when we went to church last Sunday was that he would like us to preach at their discipleship training that week on Saturday.


Nor do I really like public speaking. I don’t mind it too much if I feel confident in the subject matter and am prepared. Well, we were able to prepare but I’m not sure I would have ever been prepared in 2 days to preach to 25 young adults who are training to start and revive churches! But, the pastor wanted us to bring the word of God to these people. So the 6 of us prepared 3 different messages to encourage them in the areas of Missions, Worship & Making Disciples. We each spoke for about a half hour on one of these subjects. I talked about discipleship – what it means to be a disciple of the Lord and how to encourage others as the follow Christ. Believe me, I felt completely unworthy. I’m not a preacher but I was wanted to be a part of teaching soon-to-be pastors. Somehow when I was talking, I felt completely comfortable. I don’t know every thing that I said or how each person took it. But as the interpreter was translating what I was saying, I was blown away by how God was using something in me that I never expected Him to use. I was surprised by how much fun it turned out to be! However, I don't think I'm ready to change my profession just yet.


  1. Heather,
    That was a great experience for you. Getting pushed out of your comfort zone will result in tremendous growth. Isn't it amazing how God steps up in those situations where we feel so ill-equipped? Sounds like you are having an awesome experience!
    Love, Uncle Mark

  2. hey, how cool! and darlin, you're as qualified as anyone to talk about a love you experience--credentials don't mean more than that, in your situation. it's okay.

  3. With a beautiful heart and those great freckles, how could God not use you. Preach on, preacher girl.

  4. Hehz!!! Good job girl! That is awesome! I am sitting here laughing because I had to do the same thing in Nicaragua at my host family's church there. And I agree, I felt totally unworthy to be preaching but I think since everyone knew that I go to a Christian university that I MUST be learning how to be a preacher. Maybe that's what they thought too in your situation. :-) That's awesome how you felt God speaking through you too... I'm sure he was. Good job Hehz, preach it girl! See you soon, love!
